27/1 – Spring 2022

The Spring 2022 issue of Forum Philosophicum makes available five papers discussing a wide range of philosophical problems. Józef Bremer's and Mariusz Flasiński's paper introduces a four philosophical interpretations of the Turing test according respectively to Wittgenstein, Chomsky, Putnam and Searle. Babalola Joseph Balogun, in his paper “Resolving the Conceptual Problem of Other Minds through the Identity-Based Model,” tackles the famous problem from philosophy of mind and meaning theory, known as "Wittgensteinian 'Pain' Problem." Kingsley Mbamara Sabastine dedicates his paper to the methodological problem of practising Christian Philosophy, which is still alive today. In doing so, he refers to one of the most famous Polish methodologist, Stanisław Kamiński. The paper of Wojciech Szczerba presents a very interesting insight to so-called "continental philosophy," which is a comparative analysis of Plato's, M. Heidegger's, and H. Arendt's concepts of freedom. The final paper, by Piotr Duchliński and Piotr S. Mazur combines two philosophical approches, phenomenology and classical metaphysics to shed some light on the role of phenomenological epoché in the Existential Thomism.
- Mariusz Flasiński and Józef Bremer
- Babalola Joseph Balogun
- Kingsley Mbamara Sabastine
- Wojciech Szczerba
- Piotr S. Mazur and Piotr Duchliński
Book Reviews
- Kamila Drapało