Kingsley Mbamara SabastineCorresponding authorORCID id

Methods of Practising Christian Philosophy
Stanisław Kamiński’s Approach

27/1 – Spring 2022, pages 51-67
Date of online publication: 15 June 2022
Date of publication: 15 June 2022


The concept of Christian Philosophy is not new in the history of philosophy. However, since the mid-twentieth century the idea of Christian Philosophy gained momentum and has become an object of explicit discussion among philosophers. The historical circumstances leading to its emergence as a distinct type of philosophy are not here discussed, and the existence of Christian Philosophy with a distinct content and purpose that sets it apart from other philosophies is here presupposed. Instead, the paper focuses on the concept and methods of practising Christian Philosophy with specific reference to the methodology developed by Stanisław Kamiński (1919–1986). The paper argues for the suitability of his method of philosophising within the context of Christian Philosophy. Kamiński proposes a unique style that is strictly philosophical but also Christian. This methodology was based on the classical theory of being which fulfils the demand for the autonomy of philosophy but in relationship to faith. Kamiński’s doctrinal standpoints in philosophy are rational, objective, and universal. But is also most friendly and compatible with the Christian faith. In this sense, one can speak of his Christian philosophy and the suitability of his methodology for the practice of Christian philosophy.


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Mbamara Sabastine, Kingsley. 2022. "Methods of Practicing Christian Philosophy: Stanisław Kamiński’s Approach ." Forum Philosophicum 27 (1): 51–67. doi:10.35765/forphil.2022.2701.03.


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