Kamila DrapałoCorresponding authorORCID id

Małgorzata Hołda. On Beauty and Being: Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Virginia Woolf’s Hermeneutics of the Beautiful. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021.

27/1 – Spring 2022, pages 111-117
Date of online publication: 15 June 2022
Date of publication: 15 June 2022


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Drapało, Kamila. 2022. "Małgorzata Hołda. On Beauty and Being: Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Virginia Woolf’s Hermeneutics of the Beautiful. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2021," Forum Philosophicum 27 (1), 111–7. doi:10.35765/forphil.2022.2701.06


Heidegger, Martin. 1966. Discourse on Thinking. Translated by Joel Anderson. New York:
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Heidegger, Martin. 1967. Being and Time. Translated by John Macquarrie and Edward
S.Robinson. Oxford: Blackwell. Original edition, 1927.
Hołda, Małgorzata. 2021. On Beauty and Being: Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Virginia Woolf’s Hermeneutics of the Beautiful. Berlin: Peter Lang Verlag.
Noland, Adam. 2019. Hermeneutic Ontology in Gadamer and Woolf: The Being of Art and the Art of Being. New York: Routledge.
