14/2 - Fall 2009

The papers in the issue: Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk, “Reference, Description, and Explanation. Where Metaphysics Went Wrong?”; Friedel Weinert, “The Modern Synthesis: Einstein and Kant”; Roman Darowski, “The Polish Contribution to World Philosophy”; Majid Amini, “Omnipotence and the Vicious Circle Principle”; Mark McLeod-Harrison, “The Many Ways God Is: Ontological Pluralism and Traditional Theism”; Piotr Moskal, “Affective Knowledge of God”; Camille E. Atkinson, “Is Gadamer’s Hermeneutics Inherently Conservative?”; Simin Rahimi, “Divine Command Theory in the Passage of History”; Irina-Gabriela Buda, “Consciousness and Evolution”; Mejame Ejede Charley, “Problematic of Technology and the Realms of Salvation in Heidegger’s Philosophy”; Kazimierz Rynkiewicz, “Was Verdanken wir Descartes in der Gegenwärtigen Debatte über das Leib-Seel-Problem?”
- Sebastian Tomasz Kołodziejczyk
- Friedel Weinert
- Roman Darowski
- Majid Amini
- Mark McLeod-Harrison
- Piotr Moskal
- Camille E. Atkinson
- Simin Rahimi
- Irina-Gabriela Buda
- Charley Ejede Mejame and Mejame Ejede Charley
- Kazimierz Rynkiewicz
Book Reviews
- Roman Darowski
- Agnieszka Their
- Piotr Duchliński
- Adam Świeżyński
- Kazimierz Rynkiewicz