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Charley Ejede MejameCorresponding author and Mejame Ejede Charley

Problematic of Technology and the Realms of Salvation in Heidegger's Philosophy

14/2 - Fall 2009, pages 343-367
Date of online publication: 15 novembre 2009
Date of publication: 01 novembre 2009


The aim of this paper is the exploration of Heidegger's interpretation of the phenomenon of technology against the background of his new vision of reality. It can be said that in this context sin which was formerly moral and religious became in our age, as it were, technological. Because man has distanced himself from the Nature, he finds himself at the same time alienated and guilty, contemplating, like a child brazen in the brainlessness of what he has done and waiting in anguish the imminent punishment of a mother who does not forgive. Cum multis aliis, it is not only ugliness with which Heidegger reproaches technoscience but aggressiveness as well.


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Charley, Mejame Ejede. “Problematic of Technology and the Realms of Salvation in Heidegger's Philosophy.” Forum Philosophicum 14, no. 2 (2009): 343–67. doi:10.35765/forphil.2009.1402.25.


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