Stanisław ZiemiańskiCorresponding author

Ruch przestrzenny jako stan

1 – 1996, pages 95-104
Date of online publication: 30 novembre 2020
Date of publication: 30 novembre 1996


The problem of change has been solved in the philosophical systems threefold: in the radical statism, in the radical variabilism and in the moderate systems. Statism follows the rationalistic theory of knowing,
variabilism - the empiricistic one. The systems combining both, rationalism and empiricism try to reconcile statism and variabilism in diferent ways. E.g. Aristotle solved the problem within his theory of
potency and act. In his opinion the arts and species are stable, the individuals are variable. Stagirite has construed a complete theory of change. Unfortunately, his theory laboured under a misconception
because of including the local movement among the changes. That was a reason why i n the system of Aristotle there appeared many antinomies. Specifically: While all the changes tend to a limit, the local movement has no limit. This fact is peculiarly evident i n the „most perfect" form of movement, the circular. While the limit of change is more perfect than its beginning, no place is more perfect than the other place occupied by a moving thing. Changes occur between the contraries, the places are not contrary.

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Ziemiański, Stanisław. "Ruch przestrzenny jako stan." Forum Philosophicum 1 (1996): 95–104. doi:10.35765/forphil.1996.0101.6.