Tadeusz ŚlipkoCorresponding author

Poglądy etyczne Mariana Morawskiego SJ

[The Ethical Views of Marian Morawski S.J.]

9 - 2004, pages 127-138
Date of online publication: 29 August 2016
Date of publication: 30 November 2004


Father Marian Morawski was born on the fifteenth of August 1845 in Gräfenberg (presently Jesenik). He joined the order of the Jesuits in 1863 in Stara Wieś. He began his philosophical studies there in 1866, which he finished in Cracow in 1868. Next he studied theology there during the years 1868-1872. In 1870 he was ordained in Śrem. So educated, he lectured philosophy to young Jesuits at Stara Wieś College (1873-1879). It was at that time, that he prepared and published the work by the titile: Filozofia i jej zadanie [Philosophy and its task]. When, at the request of the editor Edward Podolski, the Jesuits took over the periodical "Przegląd Lwowski" and from 1884 began to publish it by the new title of "Przegląd Powszechny" (existing to this day), Morawski became its first editor and published many of his own articles in it concerning science and religion. In this way he created a new breed
of theological literature, known as „world-view literature". As a typical example, Wieczory nad Lemanem [Evenings on Leman] (Cracow 1896) as well as the thesis Celowość w przyrodzie. Studium przyrodniczo-filozoficzne
[Finality in the nature. A natural-philosophical study] (Cracow 1887) were published multiple times and in many languages. From 1887 to 1899 Morawski was a professor at the Jagiellonian University, and during the years 1894-1895 he was the Dean of the Theology Department. He died in Cracow on the sixth of May 1901.


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Ślipko, Tadeusz. “ Poglądy etyczne Mariana I. Morawskiego SJ.” Forum Philosophicum 9 (2004): 127–38. doi:10.35765/forphil.2004.0901.8.