Franciszek Bargieł and Giuseppe AngioliniCorresponding author

Wykłady filozoficzne do użytku studentów Akademii Połockiej

[Philosophical Lectures for Students of Polotsk Academy]

11 - 2006, pages 234-247
Date of online publication: 15 June 2015
Date of publication: 01 November 2006


This is a Polish translation of a fragment of Institutiones Philosophicae ad usum studiosorum Academiae Polocensis by Giuseppe Angiolini S.J. It corresponds to an article, entitled On Being, its Essence and Existence. The original Latin text is also included in the article.


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Angiolini, Giuseppe. “Wykłady filozoficzne do użytku studentów Akademii Połockiej.” Forum Philosophicum 11 (2006): 234–47. doi:10.35765/forphil.2006.1101.16.