Giuseppe (Joseph) Angiolini, S.J. (1747–1814), Professor of Philosophy at The Polotsk Academy
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This article discusses the biography, works and philosophical views of Giuseppe Angiolini, an Italian Jesuit working at the Academy of Polotsk at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The whole philosophy represented by Angiolini is in line with Italian Catholic philosophy, which in turn was influenced by the traditional Jesuit Collegium Romanum. The philosophy of Angiolini contains certain Suarezian ideas. In this respect it was influenced by the Jesuit tradition, especially as regards the mental difference between essence and existence, and modalism.
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Darowski, Roman. “Giuseppe (Joseph) Angiolini, S.J. (1747–1814), Professor of Philosophy at The Polotsk Academy.” Forum Philosophicum 11 (2006): 230–3. doi:10.35765/forphil.2006.1101.15.
Angiolini, Giuseppe. Institutiones Philosophicae: ad usum studiosorum Academicae Polocensis. Polotsk: Typis Academicis, 1819. Ciampi, Sebastiano. Bibliografia critica delle antiche reciproche corrispondenze: politiche, ecclesiastiche, scientifiche, letterarie, artistiche dell'Italia colla Russia, colla Polonia, ed altre parti settentrionali. Firenze: L. Allegrini and G. Mazzoni, 1834–1942.