Krzysztof GłowackiCorresponding author and Mateusz IgnacikCorresponding author

Józef Bremer, and Robert Janusz, ed. Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae

10 - 2005, pages 292-294
Date of online publication: 03 août 2016
Date of publication: 30 novembre 2005


The Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy in Cracow has existed since 1934, when it was erected by the Congregation for Seminaries and Universities. For the first 55 years it educated only the Jesuits, but since 1989 it has been opened to the laity as well. A memorial book Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae was published to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Faculty of Philosophy with special dedication to its Professors: Fr. Roman Darowski SJ, Fr. Piotr Lenartowicz SJ, and Fr. Stanislaw Ziemiański SJ. All of them have worked at the former Faculty of Philosophy which is now the Faculty of Philosophy of Ignatianum. In these past few years, Fr. Ziemiański and Fr. Lenartowicz have celebrated their 70th birthday, during this year Fr. Darowski will celebrate such jubilee. The book consists of two volumes. The first contains congratulatory letters from Provincials of the Polish Jesuits to the Jubilarians. It also contains a short history of the Jesuit Faculty of Philosophy in Cracow, and provides presentations of the professors celebrating their anniversaries.

Cite this article

Głowacki, Krzysztof, Ignacik, Mateusz. “Józef Bremer, Robert Janusz, ed. Philosophia Rationis Magistra Vitae.” Forum Philosophicum 10 (2005): 292–4. doi:10.35765/forphil.2005.1001.32.