Call for Papers: "Philosophy of/as a Journey" (2024)

Information note
Date of online publication: 03 mai 2023

Call for Papers

1Forum Philosophicum, an international philosophical journal, invites submissions to a Special Issue entitled “Philosophy of/as a Journey,” to be published in open-access form by the University Ignatianum in Cracow at the end of June 2024.

2We are pleased to share a Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Forum Philosophicum entitled “Philosophy of/as a Journey,” which is scheduled for publication on June 2024. The issue will be guest edited by Dariusz Kubok (Silesian University, Poland). We ask all interested authors to submit the papers by 31 December 2023 via form available on our website (tab: submit manuscript).

3Philosophy is often depicted as a journey. Although its motives, trajectories, and goals may vary, the image of a philosopher as a traveler (a wanderer, a sailor, a bird, a pilgrim) seems to remain iconic, or, at least, it is deeply rooted in literature. Furthermore, the journey itself is a phenomenon well worth considering, and, not infrequently, it surfaces as a philosophically interesting idea: an art form of sorts, or even a form of existence. Therefore, it seems critically promising to juxtapose the narrative of “philosophy as a journey” with that of “philosophy of a journey”: perhaps, in doing so, we may learn more about both. Above all, however, there is a chance that in such a context each of these narratives will learn something important from the other.

4Travel is a frame of the unique experience of the world – a frame conducive to experiencing one’s self. It allows one to inwardly delve into oneself and to transcend oneself at the same time, as the journey simultaneously grounds and uproots one. Irrespective of what type of an attractor motivates it, travelling stimulates maieutic reflection. The experience of the journey, however, cannot be reduced solely to witnessing the richness and diversity of the world. Travel, after all, is also tantamount to an opportunity; it is both a provocation and an obstacle, it requires effort, it entails the toil of the road and the pain of weary feet – and all of these elements, jointly, contribute to the building of a cognitive attitude towards life.

5With such goals in mind, we extend our invitation to submit proposals addressing the subject of philosophy as a journey and philosophy of a journey in the context of problems related to, but not necessarily limited to, the following issues: philosophy of travel – philosophical journey – ars apodemica; trajectories of philosophical journeys; a journey in its ontological/epistemological/axiological/aesthetic aspects; motives/reasons/justifications for the journey; a journey as a symbol/metaphor/reality; anabasis/catabasis/struggle; homo viator/a zetetic/a vagabond; journey as dewekut/unio mystica/ekstasis; nostalgia/exodalgia; exit/duration/return; travel and history; travel as therapy; philosophy on the go / philosophy on the spot; trip initiation / continuation / holding; maps of philosophical paths.