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Husserl on How to Bridge the Gap Between Static and Genetic Analysis
The author argues that static and genetic phenomenological methods are complementary, rather than opposite, and by claiming this, the article presents a discussion with Derrida’s interpretation of Husserl’s philosophy. It is claimed that for an adequate understanding of the two forms of a phenomenological method, one has to take into consideration especially Husserl’s B III 10 signature manuscripts. By referring to the manuscripts, the author reconstructs the object, limits, presuppositions, aims and character of both ways of inquiry. Moreover, the author claims that the differentiation of the two forms of the phenomenological method steams from Husserl’s inquiries into the concept of consciousness as defined in Ideas I.
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Płotka, Witold. “Husserl on How to Bridge the Gap Between Static and Genetic Analysis.” Forum Philosophicum 27, no. 2 (2022): 129–48. doi:10.35765/forphil.2022.2702.08.
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