Guilhem CausseCorresponding authorORCID id

Le geste : de l’esthétique au kinésique

27/2 – Fall 2022, pages 149-161
Date of online publication: 27 December 2022
Date of publication: 27 December 2022


The transmission of the craft and the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder have in common that they involve a relationship of act to act between the master and the apprentice on the one hand, and between the therapist and the patient on the other. Phenomenology has from the outset considered movement as inherent to the flesh: Hardy thus hypothesises that the origin of the flesh is a gesture. For all that, his description remains largely dependent on a flesh that is primarily perceptive: this gesture can thus be qualified as an aesthetic gesture. But if the flesh is as much mobile as it is perceptive, would there not be another gesture that generates the flesh in movement that is not linked to perception? Housset takes a step in this direction and allows us to hypothesize the kinesic gesture which, alone, allows us to account for the two experiences mentioned above.


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Causse, Guilhem. “Le geste : de l’esthétique au kinésique.” Forum Philosophicum 27, no. 2 (2022) : 149–61. doi:10.35765/forphil.2022.2702.09.


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