Ted PetersCorresponding authorORCID id

Natural Science within Public Christian Philosophy and Public Systematic Theology

26/1 – Spring 2021, pages 13-34
Date of online publication: 30 juin 2021
Date of publication: 30 juin 2021


Christian philosophy provides the form and systematic theology the substance when the church turns its intellectual face toward the wider public. This united front is vital in the context of a global competition between worldviews, where naturalism in the form of aggressive scientism has declared war on all things religious. Through discourse clarification the philosopher should distinguish between genuine science and the naturalistic reductionism that attempts to co-opt it; and through worldview construction the theologian should then demonstrate how nature viewed by science belongs within a picture where all reality is oriented toward the one God of grace. In the battle between competing explanations of reality, the public Christian philosopher along with the public systematic theologian should offer a worldview with greater explanatory adequacy.


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Peters, Ted. “Natural Science within Public Christian Philosophy and Public Systematic Theology.” Forum Philosophicum 26, no. 1 (2021): 13–34. doi:10.35765/forphil.2021.2601.03.


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