Józef BremerHow does the Mind exist?
How does the Mind exist?
Conversation on Cognitive Science
9 - 2004, pages 265-266
Date of online publication: 29 août 2016
Date of publication: 30 novembre 2004
One of the reasons for organizing the above-mentioned conversation was the publication of Urszula Zegleń's book Philosophy of Mind ([Filozofia umysłu] Torun, 2003). Urszula Zegleń is a profesor of philosophy at the
Nicolaus Copernicus University. The one-day conversation had three parts and each part consisted of two speeches. After each speech there was a short but very active discussion on the respective topics.
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Bremer, Józef. “How Does Mind Exist? Conversation on Cognitive Science, Toruń, December 17, 2003.” Forum Philosophicum 9 (2004): 265–6. doi:10.35765/forphil.2004.0901.17.