Ruch unieruchomiony
[Movement Immobilized]
This article discusses the problem of movement. The meaning of the term “movement” has undergone more changes in the course of history than any other term. The main change has been the immobilizing of movement. To show this, the author briefly presents the vicissitudes of its development from antiquity to the present. The relation between force and movement is also considered. In this matter the author follows the approach of Fr. John Dorda SJ, who proves that forces are not efficient causes, but rather formal causes. The fields of forces do not influence movement generally, but only its shape and trajectory. To illustrate this, four cases are presented and the Lorentzian equation is adduced. The problem of the ontological status of movement has been discussed at some length. It is argued that movement cannot be reduced to geometrical relations alone.
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Ziemiański, Stanisław. “Ruch unieruchomiony.” Forum Philosophicum 11 (2006): 95–106. doi:10.35765/forphil.2006.1101.7.
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