Remigiusz KrólCorresponding author

The Origins of Human Being. A Theory of Animation According to Tadeusz Ślipko

11 - 2006, pages 55-67
Date of online publication: 15 juin 2015
Date of publication: 01 novembre 2006


This article is a discussion of Tadeusz Ślipko’s considerations concerning “the origins of human being” or, in other words, his theory of animation. One of the characteristic features of Ślipko’s Thomistic anthropology is an experimental orientation: i.e. using and referring to the data of the sciences as these relate to material, physical and biological reality. As the starting point of his position he adopts the concept of man: being composed of a material substrate, determined in his human form by the immortal soul as the vital principle of his/her existence. In line with this orientation, Ślipko focuses his investigations around the idea of man conceived “as a personal being and the subject of morality as a whole, constituted in what determines his/her proper humanity.” Therefore, asking about the origins—so to say—the initial moment of human substance, Ślipko examines this issue in the context of philosophical assumptions about God as the Creator of the universe, and about man as a self-aware and self-acting being who is the cause of a series of effects.


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Król, Remigiusz. “The Origins of Human Being. A Theory of Animation According to Tadeusz Ślipko.” Forum Philosophicum 11 (2006): 55–67. doi:10.35765/forphil.2006.1101.4.


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