Paul Douglas Kabay and Paul Kabay

Did God Begin to Exist ex Nihilo

14/1 - Spring 2009, pages 119-131
Date of online publication: 15 juin 2009
Date of publication: 01 juin 2009


I argue that the following two claims provide us with sufficiently strong reason to conclude that God came into existence from nothing a finite time in the past: (1) that God is omnitemporal; and (2) that there is a first moment of time. After defending the possibility of God beginning to exist ex nihilo from various objections, I critique two alternative attempts at providing an account of the relationship between an omnitemporal God and the beginning of time (that of Alan Padgett and William Lane Craig). I show that these either fail to be an alternative to my own model or are less supported by the relevant evidence.


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Kabay, Paul Douglas. “Did God Begin to Exist ex Nihilo.” Forum Philosophicum 14, no. 1 (2009): 119–31. doi:10.35765/forphil.2009.1401.09.


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