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The Dignity of the Person in the Context of Human Providence
Thomas Aquinas understands providence as the reason of directing things to ends (ratio ordinis rerum in finem), and as the execution of that directing, i.e. governance (gubernatio). Thus, providence is one of the fundamental attributes of the person that reveals the person's perfection and dignity. Providence consists in a free and reasonable directing of oneself and the reality subject to oneself in order to actualize potentialities of oneself and of other beings in the context of the ultimate goal of existence. Human providence joins the providence of the Absolute with regard to the world. In spite of its deficiencies human providence reveals the essential dignity of the human person.
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Mazur, Piotr Stanisław. “The Dignity of the Person in the Context of Human Providence.” Forum Philosophicum 14, no. 1 (2009): 109–18. doi:10.35765/forphil.2009.1401.08.
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