Teresa ObolevichCorresponding authorORCID id and Teresa Obolevitch

All-Unity according to V. Soloviev and S. Frank. A Comparative Analysis

15/2 - Fall 2010, pages 413-425
Date of online publication: 20 décembre 2010
Date of publication: 20 décembre 2010


In this article I will present and analyze the concept of all-unity of the two most famous Russian philosophers—Vladimir Soloviev (1853–1900) and Semyon Frank (1877–1958). As will be argued, the concept of all-unity is part of an old philosophical tradition. At the same time, it is an original idea of the Russian thought of the Silver Age (the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries).


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Obolevitch, Teresa. “All-Unity according to V. Soloviev and S. Frank. A Comparative Analysis.” Forum Philosophicum 15, no. 2 (2010): 413–25. doi:10.35765/forphil.2010.1502.28.


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