Artur KoseckiCorresponding authorORCID id

The Rise of the Term ‘Analytic Philosophy’ in Britain in the Early 1930s and Its Contemporary Evolution: Conceptual Creativity and Conceptual Engineering
Conceptual Creativity and Conceptual Engineering

29/2 – Fall 2024, pages 221-253
Date of online publication: 23 décembre 2024
Date of publication: 23 décembre 2024


Ernest Nagel’s two-part article entitled “Impressions and Appraisals of Analytic Philosophy in Europe” undoubtedly played a crucial role in the development of analytic philosophy in both Europe and the United States. Nagel articulates the shared metaphilosophical assumptions embraced by philosophers from various centres, including Prague, Vienna, Lviv, Warsaw, and Cambridge. Nevertheless, it is important to note that philosophers began to describe themselves using the term “analytical philosopher,” or a similar term, particularly within the intellectual centre of Cambridge, in the early 1930s in Britain. 

In this article, I shall compare how these philosophers conceptualized “analytic philosophy” with the metaphilosophical assumptions outlined by Nagel. Then, I shall draw a comparison between the understanding of analytic philosophy in the early 1930s in Britain, and contemporary conceptions such as “conceptual creativity” and “conceptual engineering.” As it turns out, a part of contemporary analytic philosophy is more open to social-practical issues than it was in the early 1930s in Britain, especially in the intellectual centre that was Cambridge.


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Kosecki, Artur. 2024. "The Rise of the Term “Analytic Philosophy” in Britain in the Early 1930s and Its Contemporary Evolution: Conceptual Creativity and Conceptual Engineering." Forum Philosophicum 29 (2): 221–53. doi:10.35765/forphil.2024.2902.01.


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