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Andrzej SerafinCorresponding authorORCID id

G.W.F. Hegel: Lectures on Plato's Dialectics

29/1 – Spring 2024, pages 173-204
Date of online publication: 28 juin 2024
Date of publication: 28 juin 2024


This is a translation of four Hegel's lectures (1819, 1820/21, 1823/24, 1825/26) on Plato's Dialectics with an extensive crticial introduction from the translator.

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Serafin, Andrzej. 2024. "G.W.F. Hegel: Lectures on Plato's Dialectics." Forum Philosophicum 29 (1): 173–204. doi:10.35765/forphil.2024.2901.10


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