Bethany SollerederCorresponding authorORCID id

Debating the Heart of Christianity

29/1 – Spring 2024, pages 167-172
Date of online publication: 28 juin 2024
Date of publication: 28 juin 2024


In Forsaking the Fall, Daniel Spencer argues that a Christianity which takes the Bible as authoritative for faith and which holds continuity with the deep tradition of the Church can still dispense with Original Sin and the lapsarian reading of Genesis and Romans 5. While not explicit in the introduction, the motivation for this move to reject the Fall and Original Sin seems to be a desire to account for humanity’s evolutionary origin. Without a historical Garden of Eden or Adam and Eve, can a fully satisfying account of soteriology, Christology, and faithfulness to the biblical text still be held?

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Sollereder, Bethany. 2024. "Debating the Heart of Christianity." Forum Philosophicum 29 (1): 167–72. doi:10.35765/forphil.2024.2901.09