Jacek SurzynCorresponding authorORCID id

Franciscus Bargieł: Jan Morawski SJ (1633–1700) Philosophy

28/1 – Spring 2023, pages 197-206
Date of online publication: 22 June 2023
Date of publication: 22 June 2023


We would like to begin a series of translations of outstanding articles [published previously in FP], mainly by Jesuit philosophers. Our first choice is a paper by Franciszek Bargieł, an eminent scholar of Jesuit philosophy who taught and lectured in philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Society of Jesus in Kraków/Cracow for many years. This article, published in the journal “Forum Philosophicum,” vol. 2, 1997 (245–54), was originally written and published in Latin and has been translated from that language.

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Surzyn, Jacek. 2023. "Franciscus Bargieł: Jan Morawski SJ (1633–1700) Philosophy." Forum Philosophicum 28 (1): 197–206. doi:10.35765/forphil.2023.2801.10