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How Can Christian Philosophers Improve Their Arguments?
Logical Culture and Critical Thinking
The purpose of this paper is to analyse and compare two concepts which tend to be treated as synonymous, and to show the difference between them: these are critical thinking and logical culture. Firstly, we try to show that these cannot be considered identical or strictly equivalent: i.e. that the concept of logical culture includes more than just critical thinking skills. Secondly, we try to show that Christian philosophers, when arguing about philosophical matters and teaching philosophy to students, should not focus only on critical thinking skills, but rather also consider logical culture. This, as we argue, may help to improve debate both within and outside of Christian philosophy.
- Christian philosophy
- Ajdukiewicz Kazimierz
- Cracow Circle
- critical thinking
- Czeżowski Tadeusz
- informal logic
- logical culture
- Lvov-Warsaw School
- Twardowski Kazimierz
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Będkowski, Marcin and Jakub Pruś. 2023. “How Can Christian Philosophers Improve Their Arguments? Logical Culture and Critical Thinking.” Forum Philosophicum 28 (1): 63–83. doi:10.35765/forphil.2023.2801.04
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