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Christian Philosophy, Christian Philosophers or Christians Making Philosophy?
The objective of this paper is to reflect on the proper way for Christians to do philosophy, in respect of which I have been inspired by a phrase attributed to Cardinal Newman: “We do not need Christian philosophy. We need Christians making good philosophy.” This sentence can appear controversial, but I believe it is not, if its content is made explicit in an appropriate way. To better develop what I understand Newman to be proposing here, I have added another category to his statement, with the consequence that my own text falls into three sections: 1) on Christian philosophy; 2) on Christian philosophers; 3) on Christians who do philosophy. This is the scheme that we will use to position ourselves as regards the complex issue of the relationship between philosophy and Christianity.
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Burgos Velasco, Juan Manuel. 2023. “Christian Philosophy, Christian Philosophers or Christians Making Philosophy?” Forum Philosophicum 28 (1): 27–46. doi:10.35765/forphil.2023.2801.02
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