Tadeusz ŚlipkoCorresponding author

Mariana I. Morawskiego SJ pojęcie filozofii w zastosowaniu do współczesnej dyskusji wokół encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio

8 - 2003, pages 49-80
Date of online publication: 22 September 2016
Date of publication: 30 November 2003


The encychcal Fides et ratio proclaimed by John Paul II on 14 September 1998 is a continuation of doctrinal statements by the Magisterium of the Church on a matter that has been an object of its concern from its very beginnings. This is the problem posed by the relationship between philosophy and faith. The solutions put forward by Vatican Council I (1869-1870) in connection with this problem provoked a response in Catholic philosophical
and theological circles. One of the most important events in this field in Polish terms was the publication of Father Marian Ignacy Morawski's S J considerable work Filozofia i jej zadanie (1876). This work is the subject of discussion in the article below.

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Ślipko, Tadeusz. “Mariana I. Morawskiego SJ pojęcie filozofii w zastosowaniu do współczesnej dyskusji wokół encykliki Jana Pawła II Fides et ratio.” Forum Philosophicum 8 (2004): 49–80. doi:10.35765/forphil.2003.0801.5.