Peter-Hans KolvenbachCorresponding author

Intellectual Dimension of Jesuit Ministries
Discourse of Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, Superior General of the Society of Jesus held on 20 May 2002 at the University School of Philosophy and of Education „Ignatianum'' in Cracow/Poland

8 - 2003, pages 5-12
Date of online publication: 22 September 2016
Date of publication: 30 November 2003


It is for me a source of great joy to meet with our collaborators in this magnificent Aula Magna of the Ignatianum to share on the intellectual ministry. You have a right to know how we Jesuits perceive
the nature and mission of our educational institutions. Even university and cultural circles at large seek to know the spirit with which the Society of Jesus enters the world of science, research, academic instruction, and cultural activity generally. The reflection I am about to submit is also meant to give impetus to the process the Polish Jesuits are involved in of defining their presence in the sector of education that after the fall of communism is experiencing a tremendous growth. All this is taking place in conjunction with the worldwide assessment the Society is making of its commitment to university education and the role it intends to play in it.

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Kolvenbach, Hans-Peter. "Intellectual Dimension of Jesuit Ministries: Discourse of Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, Superior General of the Society of Jesus held on 20 May 2002 at the University School of Philosophy and of Education Ignatianum' in Cracow/Poland." Forum Philosophicum 8 (2003): 5–12. doi:10.35765/forphil.2003.0801.1.