Jan Dorda SJ (1891-1971), Scientist and Philosopher
The year 2001 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Jan Karol Dorda, a Jesuit who devoted a substantial part of his life in the priesthood to literary work (he composed religious poetry and edited several volumes of proceedings of conferences on theology and ascetism), and scientific, especially philosophical enquiry - alongside his pastoral and administrative duties in the Society of Jesus. Father Dorda held a degree in mathematics and physics, but had a special interest in philosophy. In this paper I shall be concerned with his philosophical opinions, only some of which have been published, while the majority of his unpublished manuscripts are preserved in the archives of the Southern Polish Province of the Society of Jesus in Cracow. The reason why his work has never been published is not because of low quality, but due to the difficult conditions prevalent in the post-war Communist period in Poland, and also because of the cautious attitude adopted by the censors and reviewers to whom Dorda submitted his work for assessment.
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Ziemiański, Stanisław. "Jan Dorda SJ (1891-1971), Scientist and Philosopher." Forum Philosophicum 6 (2001): 169–202. doi:10.35765/forphil.2001.0601.10.