Freedom and Types of its Deformation
Freedom appears in the very centre of human existence: it constitutes its „heart", sanctuary, indispensible source of dignity, and mystery. Freedom makes man, homo sapiens, both a subject and a person. The history of humankind is a history of an unceasing struggle to conquer and widen the borders of its freedom, although often it is also a history of the betrayal of freedom, of enslaving others, or of an escape from freedom^. Freedom is a foundation of man's activity, determining its purposefulness. It offers man a possibility of self-determination, internal development, though also of self-destruction. There are three main types of freedom: personalistic, individualistic and collectivistic.
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Kowalczyk, Stanisław. "Freedom and Types of its Deformation." Forum Philosophicum 4 (1999): 73–89. doi:10.35765/forphil.1999.0401.4.