The Jesuits and the Polish Sarmatianism
The road into Poland was not easy for the Society of Jesus. Although there were some Polish bishops, such as Stanisław Hozjusz [Stanislaus Hosius] and the successor to his See of Varmia, Marcin Kromer [Martinus Cromerus], who took steps to induce the authorities at Rome to allow the Jesuits to come and establish themselves in Poland-Lithuania, seeing the Order as an effective auxiliary agency for the practical implementation of the reforms passed at the Council of Trent, their efforts were isolated attempts which failed to find sympathy with even the rest of the bishops of Poland, not to speak of other social groups.
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Obirek, Stanisław. "The Jesuits and the Polish Sarmatianism." Forum Philosophicum 3 (1998): 229–37. doi:10.35765/forphil.1998.0103.14.