Stanisław PyszkaCorresponding author

Stanisław Obirek. Wizja państwa w nauczaniu jezuitów polskich w latach 1564-1668 [The Vision of the State in the Teaching of the Polish Jesuits in 1564-1668]

2 – 1997, pages 290-291
Date of online publication: 30 novembre 2020
Date of publication: 30 novembre 1997


There have been many papers on the Jesuit relationship with the State and with the civil powers in the Western Countries. But there are no such elaborations concerning Poland. However, it was not a central aim, the Jesuits had to engage in the political situation of the country where they did His apostolic work though they did not commit themselves personally in the policy. The Jesuits had their own concept of the State and the state policy. And they showed great caution in preparing the policy treaties in order to save impartiality.

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Pyszka, Stanisław. “Stanisław Obirek. Wizja państwa w nauczaniu jezuitów polskich w latach 1564-1668.” Forum Philosophicum 2 (1997): 290–1. doi:10.35765/forphil.1997.0201.24.