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Encyklopedia wiedzy o jezuitach na ziemiach Polski i Litwy, 1564-1995 [Encyclopaedia of Information on the Jesuits on the Territories of Poland and Lithuania, 1564-1995. Ed. L. Grzebień SJ]
The Jesuits have played a significant part in the history of Poland from the religious, social and cultural aspects. Little wonder, then, that over 5,000 books and articles have been devoted to the Order and its individual members in Poland. However, the Jesuit Order does not as yet have a full synthesis of its own on the subject of its history in Poland. The only work of a synthetic nature, by S. Załęski, Jezuici w Polsce [The Jesuits in Poland], (Lwów-Krakow, 1900-1906), notwithstanding the usefulness of its content still today, is no longer up to the modem expectations and standards required by historians. The compilation of a new comprehensive synthesis will call for the accumulation and presentation of the vast volume of material concerning the various aspects of the Order's history.
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Grzebień, Ludwik. “Encyklopedia wiedzy o jezuitach na ziemiach Polski i Litwy, 1564-1995 [Encyclopaedia of Information on the Jesuits on the Territories of Poland and Lithuania, 1564-1995. Ed. L. Grzebień SJ].” Forum Philosophicum 2 (1997): 295–8. doi:10.35765/forphil.1997.0201.26.