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Paweł FudaliCorresponding author

Filozofia i sztuka u Nietzschego (Nietzsche's Concept of Art and Philosophy)

1 – 1996, pages 289-290
Date of online publication: 30 November 2020
Date of publication: 30 November 1996


Nietzsche, more than any other philosopher of the past hundred years, represents a major historical event. His ideas are of concern not only to the members of one nation or community, nor alone to philosophers, but to men everywhere, and they have had repercussions in recent history and literature as well as in religious thought. The book by Henryk Benisz sets Nietzsche understanding of art-as-philosophy against philosophy-without-art.  

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Fudali, Paweł. “Henryk Benisz. Filozofia i sztuka u Nietzschego.” Forum Philosophicum 1 (1996): 289–90. doi:10.35765/forphil.1996.0101.19.