Stanisław ObirekCorresponding authorORCID id

Teologia naturalna. Filozoficzna problematyka Boga (Natural Theology. The Philosophical Approach to God)

1 – 1996, pages 285-286
Date of online publication: 30 novembre 2020
Date of publication: 30 novembre 1996


As the title suggests, the treatise concerns the philosophical approach to the question of God. It is a sort of theology, the doctrine on God, proceeding from visible world, interpretated with the power of natural reason. The main ground for the interpretative reasoning is the classical methaphysics. God is conceived as the last and most profound fundament of all things that have not sufficient ground of existence in themselves.

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Obirek, Stanisław. “Stanisław Ziemiański. Teologia naturalna. Filozoficzna problematyka Boga.” Forum Philosophicum 1 (1996): 285–6. doi:10.35765/forphil.1996.0101.17.