22/1 - Spring 2017

The Spring 2017 issue of Forum Philosophicum invites readers to engage with a number of philosophical issues which may face the contemporary Christian. The issue opens with the article “The Conscious Brain,” in which are presented the fruits of a collaboration involving the neuropathologist Dariusz Adamek and the cognitivist philosopher Józef Bremer, who together set out to shed light on how our brains function. Their holistic approach does not enter into discussions of the relationship between brain phenomena and mental facts. Instead, the authors present five specific features of the brain of a conscious person functioning as an integral whole. Paul Kucharski, in his article “On the Harm of Genocide,” unveils the devastation that genocide also inflicts with respect to our collective self-knowledge as humans. As a part of humanity is killed, a part of our capacity for understanding what it means to be human is also destroyed. Anna Zhyrkova, in her article “A Reconstruction of John the Grammarian’s Account of Substance in Terms of Enhypostaton,” analyzes the notion of being in-substantiated as it emerges in the works of the Byzantine writer John the Grammarian of Caesarea. This notion is introduced in order to give a name to the ontological complements of a substance without which a particular entity cannot exist. Andrzej Wierciński offers an interpretation of “Hegel’s Phenomenology of Unhappy Consciousness” in the Phenomenology of Spiritwhich makes it possible to see a Bildungstraktatin this work of Hegel. Viewed through this lens, the work can be read as describing the historically conditioned process of formation of self-consciousness. The closing article, “Effect Anticipation and the Experience of Voluntary Action Control,” by Józef Bremer, offers an inquiry into our consciousness of being free in terms of two models that have emerged in empirical research into how our conscious human capabilities govern and control voluntary motor actions
- Dariusz Adamek and Józef Bremer
- Paul Kucharski
- Anna Zhyrkova
- Andrzej Wiercinski
- Józef Bremer
Book Reviews
- Anna Zhyrkova