Jarosław CharchułaCorresponding authorORCID id

Stanisław Kowalczyk. Idee filozoficzne postmodernizmu

[Stanisław Kowalczyk: Philosophical Ideas of Postmodernism]

10 - 2005, pages 291-292
Date of online publication: 03 August 2016
Date of publication: 30 November 2005


Rev. Professor Stanislaw Kowalczyk ist the head of the Social Philosophy Department at The Social Studies Faculty of the Catholic University of Lublin. He is a philosopher with a wide variety of interests and the author of many books. Philosophical Ideas of Postmodernism is his newest work. Kowalczyk does not present his own definition of postmodernism. He compares the most important philosophers of this trend and critically analyses their ideas from the point of view of classical philosophy.

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Charchuła, Jarosław. “Stanisław Kowalczyk. Idee filozoficzne postmodernizmu.” Forum Philosophicum 10 (2005): 291–2. doi:10.35765/forphil.2005.1001.31.