Karol GierdojćCorresponding author

Einführung in die politische Theorie Eric Voegelins

[Introduction to Eric Voegelin’s Political Theory]

11 - 2006, pages 133-174
Date of online publication: 15 June 2015
Date of publication: 01 November 2006


The paper offers an attempt at an introduction to the political theory of Eric Voegelin, the political scientist, philosopher and social scientist, whose thought has been increasingly recognized in both the USA and Europe ever since shortly after his death in 1985. It explores the political dimension of Voegelin’s thought from a purely secular point of view, but could also be helpful to those looking to find a religious meaning in politics.


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Gierdojć, Karol. “Einführung in die politische Theorie Eric Voegelins.” Forum Philosophicum 11 (2006): 133–74. doi:10.35765/forphil.2006.1101.10.


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