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Les aspects philosophiques de la théologie selon Jean Duns Scot: de la science à la pratique
[Philosophical Aspects of Jan Duns Scotus’ Theology: From Science to Practice]
Theologians of the 14th C. agreed that theology is scientific knowledge based upon the truths of revelation. But the very introduction of Aristotle's and aristotelian philosophy into theology turned out to be problematic. Above all, it was questionable to integrate theology—as a science based on revelation—within the aristotelian framework of sciences. This problem is difficult for Scotus in two ways. On the one hand, he uses the concepts elaborated in greek philosophy, but, on the other hand, his franciscan spirituality compels him towards the opposite solution. Scotus only has the Aristotle's division of theoretical and practical sciences at his disposal to determine the character of theology, and he chooses to classify theology as practical science. Scotus is pouring “new wine” of Christian revelation into “old wineskins” of greek philosophy, the fact causing noticeable problems when interpreting many Scotus' ideas and views.
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Chabada, Michal. “Les aspects philosophiques de la théologie selon Jean Duns Scot: de la science à la pratique.” Forum Philosophicum 12, no. 2 (2007): 429–46. doi:10.35765/forphil.2007.1202.31.
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