Roman DarowskiCorresponding author

Jakub Gorczyca. Zarys etyki fundamentalnej
Być dla drugiego
[Fundamentals of Philosophical Ethics: Being for the Other]

20/1 - Spring 2015, pages 99-102
Date of online publication: 12 janvier 2016
Date of publication: 12 janvier 2016


Father Jakub Gorczyca, a Polish Jesuit, is a professor of philosophy at the Gregorian University in Rome. The subject of his particular concern is the set of problems encountered in philosophical anthropology, fundamental ethics and the philosophy of religion. Gorczyca draws philosophical inspiration from the intellectual tradition of Christianity, from phenomenology, and from the philosophy of dialogue.


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Darowski, Roman. “Jakub Gorczyca. Zarys etyki fundamentalnej: Być dla drugiego.” Forum Philosophicum 20, no. 1 (2015): 99–102. doi:10.35765/forphil.2015.2001.07.

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The article reviews the book Zarys etyki fundamentalnej: Być dla drugiego [Fundamentals of Philosophical Ethics: Being for the Other]. Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM, 2014.