Michał ChaberekCorresponding authorORCID id

Original Sin, Monogenesis and Human Origins
A Response to Kenneth W. Kemp

29/1 – Spring 2024, pages 153-165
Date of online publication: 28 juin 2024
Date of publication: 28 juin 2024


This paper focuses on the arguments presented by Kenneth W. Kemp in his two articles proposing a form of reconciliation between the evolutionary concept of human origins and polygenism. At the beginning, it is explained that Kemp’s understanding of the relationship between science and faith strays from what Augustine (whom Kemp claims to follow) teaches. Then the current state of science is scrutinized with the conclusion that current scientific evidence does not exclude the belief in the traditional form of monogenism. After presenting Kemp’s solution to the alleged conflict between science and Catholic dogma it is shown that Kemp’s solution is based on some confusion in terms and it also encounters several metaphysical and biological difficulties.


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Chaberek, Michał. "Original Sin, Monogenesis and Human Origins: A Response to Kenneth W. Kemp." Forum Philosophicum 29 (1): 153–65. doi:10.35765/forphil.2024.2901.08


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