Dariusz BębenCorresponding authorORCID id

What New Can We Learn from the Philosophical Journals of Jan Patočka?
Jan Patočka. Filosofické deníky. Nepublikované zaznamy z let 1946–1950. Edited by Ivan Chvatík. Vol. 19, Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2022, 593 pp.

28/2 – Fall 2023, pages 405-410
Date of online publication: 28 December 2023
Date of publication: 28 December 2023


Jan Patočka’s extensive oeuvre contains eleven notebooks filled with randomly dated notes from 1946 to 1950. These documents originate from the so-called Strahov legacy, specifically manuscripts discovered in the 1990s in the Strahov library. This legacy includes a collection of Patočka’s manuscripts from the 1930s and 1940s. The 1980s were mainly devoted to the history of philosophy, the philosophy of history, and phenomenological reflections on the concept of the world. In 1971, Patočka deposited them in this renowned library in Prague without disclosing this information to anyone (Karfík 2000/2001).

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Bęben, Dariusz. 2023. “What New Can We Learn from the Philosophical Journals of Jan Patočka? Jan Patočka. Filosofické deníky. Nepublikované zaznamy z let 1946–1950. Edited by Ivan Chvatík. Vol. 19, Sebrané spisy Jana Patočky. Praha: OIKOYMENH, 2022, 593 pp.” Forum Philosophicum 28 (2): 405–10. doi:10.35765/forphil.2023.2802.23.


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Karfík, Filip. 2000/2001. “Patočkova strahovská pozůstalost a jeho odložené opus grande.” Kritický sborník 20: 125–160.

Patočka, Jan. 1991. Tři studie o Masarykovi. Edited by Ivan Chvatík, Pavel Kouba. Praha: Mladá fronta.

Patočka, Jan. 2014. Fenomenologické spisy III/1. Nepublikované texty ze 40. let. Edited by Ivan Chvatík, Jan Frei, Jan Puc. Praha: OIKOYMENH.

Patočka, Jan. 2022. Filosofické deníky. Nepublikované zaznamy z let 1946–1950. Edited by Ivan Chvatík. Praha: OIKOYMENH.

Zouhar, Jan, Helena Pavlincová and Jiří Gabriel. 2013. Česká filosofie v letech 1945–1948. Brno: Academicus.
