Grzegorz HołubCorresponding authorORCID id

Struggling with the Reality of the Person and Its Interpretation
On the Method of Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy

28/2 – Fall 2023, pages 385-397
Date of online publication: 28 décembre 2023
Date of publication: 28 décembre 2023


This article is about the method of philosophizing employed by Karol Wojtyła. He worked out his main ideas concerning the human person within a Thomistic framework, but at the same time made extensive use of the method typical of phenomenology. The article sets out to demonstrate that these two approaches do not exclude each other, but can instead be considered complementary. Phenomenology, in the version employed by Wojtyła, aims to do justice to the experience of the person, and its analysis helps us understand the richness of the latter. At the same time, all of the phenomena that pertain to the person demand further explanation, and this can be supplied by Thomistic metaphysics. The method devised by Wojtyła can be expressed in the formula “from phenomenon to foundation.”


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Hołub, Grzegorz. 2023. “Struggling with the Reality of the Person and Its Interpretation: On the Method of Karol Wojtyła’s Philosophy.” Forum Philosophicum 28 (2): 385–97. doi:10.35765/forphil.2023.2802.21.



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