Szczepan UrbaniakCorresponding authorORCID id

Phenomenology as Apologetics
The Crossing of the Paths of Theology and Philosophy in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion

27/2 – Fall 2022, pages 193-210
Date of online publication: 27 December 2022
Date of publication: 27 December 2022


In this article, we analyse the relation of philosophy and theology in the work of Jean‑Luc Marion in order to be able to see not only how the phenomenology of givenness can serve as a “new apologetics” for theology, but also how Marion’s phenomenology itself, in its historical development and in its core principle and method, is influenced and changed by theological phenomena. We present three ways of describing the relation, tension, mutual influence and separation of philosophy and theology: firstly, in line with Pascal’s distinction between the orders of reason and of the heart; secondly, in phenomenology, in terms of indications to the effect that there can be a phenomenon of revelation in the mode of possibility that is distinguished from the phenomenon of Revelation in theology in the mode of historicity; and thirdly, by analogy with Christian apologetics. In particular, we analyse this third dimension, putting forward the thesis that Marion’s phenomenology itself has some characteristics of the Christian apologetics he describes. We try to demonstrate this interpretation of his phenomenology in its key dimensions, such as the counter-method and descriptions of the phenomena of love and revelation, which constitute the culmination of the phenomenology of givenness, although at the same time, as it were, its limit, crossing over into the theological order.


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Urbaniak, Szczepan. “Phenomenology as Apologetics: The Crossing of the Paths of Theology and Philosophy in the Work of Jean-Luc Marion.” Forum Philosophicum 27, no. 2 (2022): 193–210. doi:10.35765/forphil.2022.2702.12.


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