Kaziemierz RynkiewiczCorresponding author and Kazimierz RynkiewiczCorresponding author

Der Glückliche Weg zum Erfolg Eines Tugendhaften

[The Virtuous Person’s Lucky Path to Success]

16/2 - Fall 2011, pages 59-82
Date of online publication: 05 décembre 2011
Date of publication: 05 décembre 2011


In this paper I seek to analyse the following question: how is it that I am able, today, to succeed in fulfilling my goals? My analysis will, I hope, demonstrate that virtues are important because they facilitate this sort of fulfilment. An examination of the classical notion of virtue is thus called for, and this in turn suggests that, at least in certain cases, virtue is connected with luck—that these two belong together. This points towards a new form of contemporary virtue ethics, whose distinctive character will be reflected in the particular significance it invests in the concepts of “qualification” and “competence.” Finally, we are led to Wittgenstein's assertion that “The world of the happy person is other than the world of the hapless person.”


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Rynkiewicz, Kazimierz. “Der Glückliche Weg zum Erfolg Eines Tugendhaften.” Forum Philosophicum 16, no. 2 (2011): 59–82. doi:10.35765/forphil.2011.1602.14.


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