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Logos und Glaube im “secular age.”
Zur Religionsphilosophischen Aktualität des Ebner’schen Denkens
[[Logos and Faith in the “Secular Age”: On Contemporary Relevance of Ferdinand Ebner’s Thought for Philosophy of Religion]]
The chief motivation for undertaking this research comes from my encounter with Charles Taylor’s excellent work, “A Secular Age,” in which he not only analyzes the various historical manifestations of secularization in Western civilization, but also—and above all—tries to identify the newly emerging conditions in which forms of religious belief may develop on the threshold of the new millennium, in the context of what he himself describes as a secular age.
My paper chiefly focuses on the fact that the routes leading to, and attempts to bring about, a revival of Christian spirituality in the modern world, which Taylor describes in his book, were already a concern for many philosophers working at the start of the 20th century. One amongst these, the Austrian thinker Ferdinand Ebner, occupies a special position.
Known to the philosophical world as one of the originators of dialogical thinking, Ebner uncovers the real key to the revitalization and consolidation of Christian spirituality in the form of the reality of the spoken word. First and foremost, his philosophy of the word constitutes a spectacular example of the intensive search for meaning in life: something not always easy for human beings in a secular age to discover and define for themselves. In this paper I also aim to present the basis for Ebner’s assertion of an inseparable link between the word and religious faith, and to show how this relationship founds a possibility for the renewal of Christian spirituality in the modern world.
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Jagiełło, Jarosław. “Logos und Glaube im ‘secular age’: Zur Religionsphilosophischen Aktualität des Ebner’schen Denkens.” Forum Philosophicum 16, no. 2 (2011): 17–38. doi:10.35765/forphil.2011.1602.12.
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