Tadeusz GrzesikCorresponding author

Faith and Conscience—The Surest of Arguments for the Existence of God

17/2 - Fall 2012, pages 245-268
Date of online publication: 10 décembre 2012
Date of publication: 10 décembre 2012


In the first part of my paper, I shall consider how Anselm of Canterbury’s so-called ontological argument has been misapprehended by those treating it as a proof for the existence of God. In the second part, I shall focus on Chapter One of the Proslogion and on the Epistola de incarnatione Verbi to show what Anselm’s real purpose was regarding the problem of the existence of God. I shall support my view by referring also to the thought of John Henry Newman and Henri de Lubac.


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Grzesik, Tadeusz. “Faith and Conscience—The Surest of Arguments for the Existence of God.” Forum Philosophicum 17, no. 2 (2012): 245–68. doi:10.35765/forphil.2012.1702.16.


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