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Robert GrzywaczStanisław Głaz. Intensywność doświadczenia religijnego a koncepcja siebie [Intensity of Religious Experience and Self-Concept]
Stanisław Głaz. Intensywność doświadczenia religijnego a koncepcja siebie [Intensity of Religious Experience and Self-Concept]
2 – 1997, pages 272-277
Date of online publication: 30 novembre 2020
Date of publication: 30 novembre 1997
The attempts of the psychological interpretation of religious experience have started at the end of the 19th century. They were undertaken by F. Schleiermacher, E. Starbuck and W. James, followers of the subjective conception of religion and religious experience. They reduced religion only to subject-empiristic sphere, but for them religion
is still a kind of experience of contact with something that could be called „Divine".
Cite this article
Grzywacz, Robert. "Stanisław Głaz. Intensywność doświadczenia religijnego a koncepcja siebie." Forum Philosophicum 2 (1997): 272–7. doi:10.35765/forphil.1997.0201.19.