Roberto PauraCorresponding author

A Rapture of the Nerds?
A Comparison between Transhumanist Eschatology and Christian Parousia

24/2 – Fall 2019, pages -343
Date of online publication: 20 décembre 2019
Date of publication: 20 décembre 2019


Transhumanism is one of the main “ideologies of the future” that has emerged in recent decades. Its program for the enhancement of the human species during this century pursues the ultimate goal of immortality, through the creation of human brain emulations. Therefore, transhumanism offers its fol- lowers an explicit eschatology, a vision of the ultimate future of our civilization that in some cases coincides with the ultimate future of the universe, as in Frank Tipler’s Omega Point theory. The essay aims to analyze the points of comparison and opposition between transhumanist and Christian eschatologies, in particular considering the “incarnationist” view of Parousia. After an introduction concern- ing the problems posed by new scientific and cosmological theories to traditional Christian eschatology, causing the debate between “incarnationists” and “escha- tologists,” the article analyzes the transhumanist idea of mind-uploading through the possibility of making emulations of the human brain and perfect simulations of the reality we live in. In the last section the problems raised by these theories are analyzed from the point of Christian theology, in particular the proposal of a transhuman species through the emulation of the body and mind of human beings. The possibility of a transhumanist eschatology in line with the incarnationist view of Parousia is refused.


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Paura, Roberto. “A Rapture of the Nerds? A Comparison between Transhumanist Eschatology and Christian Parousia.” Forum Philosophicum 24, no. 2 (2019): 343–67. doi:10.35765/forphil.2019.2402.15.


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