Graham J. McAleerCorresponding author and Christopher M. WojtulewiczCorresponding author ORCID id

Why Technoscience Cannot Reproduce Human Desire According to Lacanian Thomism

24/2 – Fall 2019, pages 279-300
Date of online publication: 20 décembre 2019
Date of publication: 20 décembre 2019


Being born into a family structure—being born of a mother—is key to being human. It is, for Jacques Lacan, essential to the formation of human desire. It is also part of the structure of analogy in the Thomistic thought of Erich Przywara. AI may well increase exponentially in sophistication, and even achieve human-like qualities; but it will only ever form an imaginary mirroring of genuine human persons—an imitation that is in fact morbid and dehumanising. Taking Lacan and Przywara at a point of convergence on this topic offers important insight into human exceptionalism.


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McAleer, Graham, and Christopher M. Wojtulewicz. “Why Technoscience Cannot Reproduce Human Desire According to Lacanian Thomism.” Forum Philosophicum 24, no. 2 (2019): 279–300. doi:10.35765/forphil.2019.2402.13.


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